Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Old Days...

So I was chatting to a dear friend of mine last night (who decided to carry out the oh-so-tedious task of utilizing his pregnant sister’s remaining free minutes) and we managed to chat up a storm for a total of about 45 minutes…. Much to the semi-irritation of Mr CT who was trying to busy himself around the flat for that period without watching the TV I had muted and planted my fat ass in front of.

We maintain a long-distance friendship…. I haven’t actually seen him since I was 12, yet he is one of the people I feel the most comfortable with and closest to.

I actually pride myself on the people I keep contact with, each person brings out a different side (Coca-Cola) of me. And all it takes is a phone call, an email or some time in their company to re-wire my brain and turn my thoughts in a different direction – politics, clothes, breaking some rules, drinking until I puke, or just simply releasing the zany humour and letting it run rampant.

Now this entire 45 minute chat consisted of about 2 minutes of serious topic and 43 minutes of shit-shooting, and I hung up the phone feeling as if I had just let a whole lot off my chest and was returning to semi-sanity. It's always good to get a dose of the friends who make you feel stable again – in any form possible. Even if all you do is adapt each other’s lame-o jokes and make fun of yourself.

I needed that. Was in a bit of a perpetually negative place before that call - but I'm back on top of things now and have regulated to my pervacious, crack-a-lacking self. hee haw. Expect more regular posts about my retarded points of view and opinions on ABSOLUTELY EVEYTHING you lucky, lucky followers.

(Thanks HIllbilly - Looking forward to our visit Coca-Cola, and the certain six-pack all the laughing and hurling will give me!)


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