Decided to do a cocktail night at Primi (one of many)
When the bill arrived, between the three of us we were
somewhat short. So my friend and I (for reasons revealed shortly, dear reader,
we will call him Stuntman Mike) took a quick walk out into the mall to find an
Wellll…. Did that fresh air ever hit ME hard.
Suddenly, Stuntman Mike took off to a galloping sprint for the nearest
wall and, to my absolute amazement, jumped up AGAINST it first with one foot, then even higher, with the other (for want of a better description)
and landed, effortlessly, on his feet, turning and giving me a grin.
I am a little ashamed to say that I was inspired and
invincible at the time (a dangerous combination) and called out in my picture
perfect sobriety, “Fuck yeah!” and took off in a similar, yet somewhat less fast
or impressive sprint for another wall.
*she jumps*
*one foot presses against the wall*
*she goes hurtling sideways towards the ground*
*one foot presses against the wall*
*she goes hurtling sideways towards the ground*
Once I was standing again…. I turned to look at the wall
that defeated me. The mark from the ONE foot that actually got the wall….. was
a mere 30cm above the ground.