My first official post....
So, just began my second year in a new city. Still waiting for it all to settle and become "normal", still trying my best to tone down the loud sarcasm and the humour that only Jo'Burgers find amusing. Ahhhh JHB - the only place I know of where a loud appreciative laugh and a loud "fuck off" go hand-in-hand as a generally accepted response to a friendly tease.
When one is raised in Joey's and relocates to Cape Town - it is like changing planets!
Unfortunately, I have learned that CapeTonians really do live up to their reputations where the "clicky" rumours are concerned. Trying to fit into a group of CT buddies is like trying to ice-skate wearing roller blades. No matter what you try - it JUST DOESNT WORK!
In the full year that I have been here I have successfully made friends with 2 (yes.... TWO) people outside of my boyfriend's "click". And the funny thing is that these two souls are not from around here, and also can't seem to meet people. We should start a club... Who is with me???How can a place be so beautiful and so unfriendly at the same time?? Cape Town is a super-model.
I must say though - it is kinda nice to be in a place where you can actually enter the city centre at night and not be mauled to death for your hairband, or to be able to walk home from the pub at midnight and not have to glance over your shoulder every 5 seconds.
So here I am!! Bringing my Johannesburg sense of humour to the beautiful (like) mountain of (like) Cape Town (bruuuuuu).
Hope that you enjoy my ramblings....