I have to say; with a quarter of the year gone my resolution is going very well. I decided when this year began that it would be the year for CHANGE! In any form – just basically embrace some new-ness.
I think that I have totally taken it for granted that here in the Supermodel City nobody actually knows me.... I CAN BECOME ANYONE - without criticism!! That realisation made me wake up and grab this opportunity by the B-A-L-L-S!!
The blog started up. (A big welcome to my newest Reader by the way - Welcome!) And I have surprised myself by sticking to it. The dancing is going well – even though I still look like something of a hippopotamus. And now I have a walking routine getting in order and I am attempting the healthy eating thing (HARDY HAR – I will admit right now that I can’t promise anything on that one!)
So what next? How else can I improve the Rude-Kitty-Meister..?
A drastic hair change is in the cards….
So are guitar lessons….
Planning my first ever overseas trip…..
What about chef classes?? I(nteresting idea actually – I HAVE recently finally purchased a stove after 5 months of microwave cooking. I think that sounds good… watch this space for an update.)
An interesting question for the readers - If you could become anything, anyone... who and what would you be?
Now I will ask a second interesting question - What is stopping you??
“Poise Inspires Confidence”
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