Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jou Ma!!!!!

Yesterday, after work, I took a walk to the shops on the corner and was bustling up and down getting food and movies. As I was walking along the pavement to pick up my take-ways, the two car guards that stand there every day got into a loud fight (Coloured man and woman, each sporting what in SA is fondly referred to as pap-bek.... and nobody wears those QUITE as comically as they do here in Cape Town!)

I had only just turned my full attention to this animated pair, when *ZIP* the man BOLTS out into the street running away from her, only barely avoids getting hit by a car and turns around in her direction with a large toothless grin and gives a little jig(The tune for Nya nya nya nya NYAAAAAAAA NYAAA!!!!! comes to mind).

I was watching him with wild amusement when his dance was abruptly cut short by an object FLYING towards him and straight past his head! A pole, about a metre long. This rapidly changed his jig into..... yes..... more running.

After that... I am going to be ALOT more cautious when saying No to her requests for small change.... I may be impaled from behind....

What a way to go...


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