Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Im... Too sexy for my pants...

One of the guys who rents from us affectionately refers to himself as The Rodder. (Paints a picture already, right?) He is a middle-aged white man, with absolutely no sense of personal space or appropriate behaviour.

Now, "The Rodder" has a secretary, who got really angry with him one day and decided to reveal to us that he ALWAYS sits at his desk playing with his cock. I have, since, battled to look at him the same.

Today, with the new phone lines being installed, I went to him to confirm his requirements and while I was talking to him, he stood in front of me (tall dude) with both hands in his pockets and "adjusted" his underpants in the front. And not subtly either -- he bent his legs OUTWARDS as if the undies were really jammed in there...

Now --- can you just imagine the look on my face???

Rich people.... Where are they FROM??


Friday, January 15, 2010


Marriage…. Now there is an interesting subject…

A little sensitive in some cases…. But an interesting topic.

I was watching “He’s Just Not That Into You” recently and Ben Affleck’s yummy character gives his argument on how unnecessary the entire institution is. Friends don’t race off to make their friendship official – why do people in relationships?

I am not as entirely opposed to the idea as THAT… but I do firmly believe that it’s not a path for everyone. The high divorce rate is certainly proof!!!

There are some couples who were simply meant for one another… it’s clear to both them and everyone around them. And to them I truly do wish every happiness (you know who you are!).

But then!! You get those people – and I am going to blame the women for this one!! – who get married because “since I was a little girl I have imagined my wedding day…” – sound familiar? (**telepathic face-five**) Never mind the fact that you are in a relationship with a man who you can’t really see eye-to-eye with. Or that secretly, you are just planning a wedding to add some excitement to the dull day-to-day routine that you have slipped into.

Hmmmm…. Perhaps I am being too cynical. Hahahahha :)


2010 - aaaaaare yoooooooouu readyyyyyy???

New Year, new beginning, new blog layout!!!

I know it is extremely delayed – but here is wishing you a fantastic New Year, and hoping that it brings loads of good things.

My resolutions are simple this time around --- save up enough money to go on an amazing European trip with my esteemed Amigo next year and learn to play my new guitar like a f*cking rock star. Oh, and I think that actually attending OppiKoppi is a must this year!

The year is off to a pretty interesting start so far – this weekend I am going to the wedding of one of my closest friends and the girl of his dreams. Feels a little strange that after this weekend he will be a responsible married man / homeowner / lawnmower. Next comes the rugby team of mini-me’s!! Best I wear my waterproof mascara and prepare my stomach for the certain row of suitcases I will be downing at the cash bar!!! Man – the hangover on the flight back is going to be fun….

My visits to Jo’burg just get harder and harder to anticipate. I get all excited about seeing everyone again, and the drinking sessions and the catching up and that wonderfully comforting sense of belonging…. That euphoria is always closely followed by the sinking dread of, once again, saying goodbye to all of that. Bittersweet.

Such is life – “with the sweets, comes the sours”

Watch this space – going to work hard on making this an interesting blog this year.