Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Step Two to Being the next Rachel Bilson

I am currently attempting a Detox… for two weeks….

I am only on Day 3 and already feeling it, not in the good glowing-never-felt-better-or-healthier way … but in the oh-my-god-kill-me-now-I-want-a-cheeseburger way…. I am hoping it gets easier as the days go!

Mr CT is being really supportive and has decided to attempt this “enormous” task with me. He is already having beer cravings.. I think those may have started within the first 20 minutes…

Speaking of cravings, it’s funny how simply knowing you cannot have something makes you crazy for it, isn’t it? Human nature will never cease to AMUSE me.

The thing that I have battled with the most so far, funny enough, is the no coffee or sugar rule. These were items I never really worried too much with on a regular basis, thinking I was totally balanced there, but now I miss each and every cup. When Lovely-Rose comes around with that 10:00am cuppa joe and skips my desk I feel like the brave heroine at the end of a black and white movie – fighting back the tears as she watches her true love ride / fly off into the sunset…. (….”goodbye Java…. I will always love you”…..)

So in light of this, I have decided to extend a challenge, to myself and to anyone else who is interested..

Lets call it the Coffee Challenge.

Take one habit that you know you have, and totally erase it from today – it does not have to be food (I, for example am taking Complaining.... me, never....). See if you can go a day without it. Better yet – make it two days. Let’s see if this causes some type of wake up – an eye-opener to how much you exercise your bad habits without even realizing it…

Maybe the mind could use a bit of cleansing, too....

Let me know how you do.